Went in to get my pins out today. I’m always just a bit nervous about getting pins taken out but it was even easier than before. These pins were only the length of the toe, so they were much shorter than previous pins I’ve had. The fact that they were shorter and they didn’t go through any joints made them much easier to remove. They slipped out with nearly no force at all. I was going to video the removal on my phone but it happened so fast I didn’t have time.
They didn’t bleed right away since the pins didn’t go through any joints but the doc said they would bleed within just a few seconds so he put band-aids on real quick. He was right; the band-aids filled up with blood pretty fast. But they stopped bleeding within just a few minutes. There was no pain at all….which is always a plus! :)
I’m not supposed to take the band-aids off till tomorrow. So after I take them off and get my toes washed up (for the first time in 5 weeks…YUCK!), I’ll take pics of how the toes look now. I am soooo ready to wear two shoes again!
By the way, for anyone who might have the need to keep just their toes dry…I did find an easier way to protect my toes in the shower rather than using a huge cast cover. I just pulled a latex glove over my foot (like they use in the hospital). The glove came almost to my heel and the fingers just dangled loose at the end of my foot. It looked pretty hilarious but it kept my toes dry in the shower while still allowing me the ability to shave my entire leg all at once. Necessity is the mother of invention! HA HA
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